Saturday, August 27, 2011

Straight Lasted Childrens Shoes Before and After

These shoes were slippery.

We installed soleguard material to help with traction.
It's been awhile since we've worked on leather soled children's shoes.  These shoes were getting to slippery, so we installed soleguards to give more traction. These are straight lasted shoes.  You may ask what is a straight last? From  Definition: "The shape of the shoe. A straight last shoe is symmetrical relative to a line drawn on the bottom of the shoe from the middle of the heel to the middle of the toe. It is best for neutral walkers who do not overpronate."  In other words, looking at the shoes you can't tell if they are left or right, they are straight lasted."
Shoes during the Civil War Era were straight lasted.  You could wear either shoe on either foot.

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