1621 E. Edgewood Dr., Ste. C
Lakeland, FL 33803
(863) 688-8462
Open Monday thru Friday 9am-5pm. Saturday 9am-Noon. Closed Sunday

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Unusual Items I have repaired in the last few days
1. Lawn Chair
2. 20 lb Medicine Ball
3. Christmas Shoes that had Santa Claus visible inside a clear heelbase
4. Some over-shoes for a Santa Claus Costume
5. Large orange ostrich Duney Burke purse
6. 8 Dog leases that have been chewed in half
These are a few things I can think of off the top of my head that customers usually don't know we can do.
1. Belts -punch holes, Shorten
2. Purses -shorten straps, punch holes, rivet straps, zippers, magnetic snaps, etc
3. Luggage- zippers, bottom studs, wheels, etc
4. Lower ladies high heels - if they are too high (there is a limit to how much you can lower)
5. Golf Bags -rivet the bottom back on, zippers
6. Back Packs - torn straps, plastic hardware, zippers
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Store Hours For Christmas and New Years
Store Hours for the Holidays:
December 24th OPEN
December 25th - 28th CLOSED
December 29th - 31st OPEN
January 1st 2009 CLOSED
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Newspaper Article on Shoe Repair
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Friends of the Park Medallions are Here

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Can You Stretch Shoes?

A Question I often hear...
Can you stretch shoes?
Yes, we can!!
Now, let's talk about what shoes stretch best and the areas we can stretch.
The material your shoes are made of will result in varying degrees of success.
1. Leather- stretches and holds the stretch the best
2. Fabric- will stretch fairly well, but not as well as leather
3. Man-made materials (vinyl, plastics)- do not stretch well, they are very elastic and want to return to their original shape.
Most people who have tight or snug shoes would just like them loosened up through the width. A Wooden Stretcher with Stretch fluid will do the job. Stretch fluid is sprayed on the leather upper. This opens the pores and allows the leather to relax and take a good stretch. The correct sized stretcher is inserted and then cranked out. As you crank, the two halves of the stretcher spread out. Crank it out until you feel good pressure on each side. There is a little metal piece, which I call a bunyonette, that you can place where needed on the stretcher for a little extra stretch in a specific area.
You can stretch most any area of the shoe: width, vamp, length. If a customer is complaining that their toes are rubbing the end of the shoe, can we give them a half size more length. Not likely. It's much easier to get more width than more length.
Can you stretch steel toed boots?
Sorry, but no. When purchasing steel toed boots always make sure your toes have plenty of wiggle room. That may mean going up a half size or a width. If your toes rub the steel in the beginning of that first day, you will be hurting at the end of the day and you will also be out a pair of boots!
Here at Edgewood Drive Shoe Repair we try to guarantee stretches. If you need more we will re-stretch your shoes at no charge. We will make sure you understand what to expect, and note any specific areas that are troublesome.
We recommend that if you have 3 or more pair of shoes that need some attention, go ahead and invest in your own stretcher and stretch fluid. They are built to last many, many years.
Thursday, October 16, 2008

AHHHHH! October in Florida means cooler weather. It's the time of year I really look forward to after a long summer. It's also the time to start pulling the winter clothes out of the attic and putting your leather jacket to good use.
Did you know we clean, repair, and alter leather garments? We send this work out to Leather-Rich, in my opinion one of the best leather cleaners and repairers on the planet. Look at this list of repairs we have had done in the last few months:
1. Main Zipper Replacement
2. A customer had a jacket that the sleeves were too long. We had the sleeves shortened.
3. Repaired a torn pocket that got caught on a door knob.
4. A customer caught his soft leather coat on a nail that made an L-shaped tear on the back. It was repaired to almost perfection.
5. This most recent repair was amazing. This customer borrowed a leather jacket from her friend to go motorcycle riding. She laid the jacket across the bike and the sleeve rested against the hot exhaust. Before she realized what happened it had melted, leaving a nasty burn mark. Imagine what your skin would look like if it had rested against a glowing hot exhaust! This was a lined jacket. Leather-rich replaced the sleeve and lining and the jacket came back looking as if nothing ever happened. I have to admit I was impressed.
If you have any leather garments that you love but haven't been wearing because of a stain, damage, or broken zipper, bring it in or mail it to us and let us give you an estimate. Many times the investment is much less than purchasing a new one.
Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Special Week of 10/13 - 10/18/2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Do You Wear Your Heels Down Quickly?

This is a frequent question and there is a solution to this problem . Most shoes I see show the most wear on the outside heel. This is just the normal walking motion for a high percentage of people, a small number walk the inside heel down first.
Wear is slower or more rapid depending on several of the following variables:
1. The surface your walking on (carpet, concrete)
2. Your height and weight
3. The gait of your stride(do you drag you feet?)
4. The heel material (crepe, urethane, rubber, leather)
5. The frequency you wear your shoes
A product called a Heel Plate can be installed over the wear area to extend the life of your heels. The Heel Plate can then be replaced as you go through it rather then replace your heels. A great idea for people who know they always have extensive heel wear is to have Heel Plates put on their shoes when they are brand new.
Heel Plates come in many different shapes and sizes to fit most any shoes. Heel Plates are made in two materials; polyurethane, which are quiet, and metal, which wear very well but make you sound like a tap dancer.
Heel Plates are a repair job that we normally do WHILE U WAIT. Extend the life of your shoes today.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Do your shoes slip on the heel?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Beautiful Brazos Walking Sticks and Canes

Monday, September 29, 2008
Protect the Soles of Your New Shoes

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Mention this Blog and SAVE!!!
Ladies save $1.00 on dowel lifts or flats!!
Men save $1.00 on heels!!
Don't Wait Too Long To Repair Your Shoes

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Start a Shoe Care Home Program

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tips to Extend the Life of Your Shoes

Here's another important part of extending the life of your shoes.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tips to Extend the Life of Your Shoes

Did you know that the average man will take about 8,000 steps in a day? If he weighs 170 pounds, the daily force that accumulates on his feet is 1,000 tons. It makes sense to spend a few extra dollars for shoes that will give you the support you need. Shoes made with better quality materials are better for your feet. They are longer lasting and with the proper care and maintenance can last for years.
Here at Edgewood Drive Shoe Repair we offer high quality Tauer & Johnson made to order footwear. It is made especially for you. You choose the style, the kind of leather, the color of leather, and the soles. We measure your foot length, width, and girth; have you step into an impression box and send those exact measurements to Tauer & Johnson. They choose the last (the form on which the shoe is made) that best fits those measurements for your left and right foot separately. Check out their website http://www.tauerandjohnson.com/ or call us for a free catalog.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
How I became a Shoe Repair Shop Owner
After earning my BA in Business Administration from Covenant College, at Lookout Mountain, GA in 1993, my wife and I moved to IL. My parents, who owned a dry cleaning store, were adding shoe repair and asked me to run that part of the business. I began my hands on training with the previous owner of the shoe repair equipment. After two years, we moved to FL, where my wife grew up. I began working for Jim McFarland, 1995-1999, a well known award winning shoe repairman. While working there, I received an award for excellence in craftsmanship from the Shoe Service Institute of America 's(SSIA) Silver Cup Competition. From 1999-2004 ,I went on to help open and manage a new full service shoe repair business, Edgewood Drive Shoe Repair, that specialized in Red Wing Boot and Shoe repair. In 2005, I became the owner of Edgewood Drive Shoe Repair. I have really enjoyed serving my customers and being my own boss. I look forward to creating awareness of shoe repair, promoting my business, highlighting great shoe care and foot health products, and helping answer customer questions.